A quandry (inspired by a staff night out)


Education, education, education

Opera for beginners


Is Tosca a good opera for someone who has never been to one before?

The adventure starts here


This year I turn 25. To celebrate I am going to do 25 things I have never done before. I spent Christmas making my list and now I’m ready to begin.

Student Life: Finals

Only four more days.

Lessons: the art of thanking

And it's often those people that need to hear it the most.

Life is confusing

I hope you don't mind.

In light of recent events:

But I hope that you are happy. Even on very awful days there are things to smile about.

Lessons on life: sometimes we reject labels, other times we seek them.

I met a friend for coffee who is struggling to define her sexuality. Like true sociologists we discussed this strange need to be labelled when we try and reject labels in other areas of our lives.

Lessons on life: Displacement.

Which leaves me in the middle feeling pulled apart. I think I need a map.

Everyone’s a teacher

we just don't know what lessons people are listening to.